>> criticalweb.org <<
views on the internet and the human

>>contact >> site creator


This site aims to one day be comprehensive: a leaping-off point for the individual's critical study into the Internet. Criticalweb.org is right now a simple prototype, a model built by a communications student and put onto a free server to experiment with the idea of "Internet Critical Study". Hopefully some interest will arise, and I will continue to fill in sections of the site to make them operational. It has been initially created for an independent study project in "Digital Communications Media" (COMS 256) at Concordia University, taught by Scot Gardiner.

Because I am a poor student, this site is for now on a freeserver, therefore I apologize for the horrible, flickering ads. Just try to block them out and concentrate on the site. Ultimately, advertising goes against everything this site stands for, and when it becomes fully-operational, there will certainly be no ads.

Thanks a bunch for stopping by. Press CTRL-D or Apple-D to bookmark this site, and return again soon!

And please....tell your friends....we need all the support we can get.


>> Josh Davidson (e-mail me by clicking on my name)


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