>> criticalweb.org <<
views on the internet and the human

>> p h i l o s o p h y


>02>Broadening The Mind & Idea Clusters

The second function of Criticalweb.org will be to "broaden the mind" on Internet and communications studies. The fact that Marshall McLuhan predicted and wrote about a structure such as the Internet before his death in 1980 proves that writers and thinkers from varied fields have been expressing themselves about the Internet for a long time. What is most fascinating about Internet-related communications studies, is its incorporation of minds from a wide array of viewpoints. Scientists square off against psychologists, artists against sociologists, all of whom are trying to fathom and explain this massive event in our evolution. Then again, yet others would argue that perhaps the Internet is not a significant point of human evolution. The exciting part of it all is the lack of final answers. The freshness of the ideas that spring forth are not seen in other, more traditional areas of study. Criticalweb.org will provide interaction with this material through summaries and Q & A sessions on the great "Internet" and communications studies thinkers and writers, from "Granddaddy" Innis to 21st century technophile Negroponte. Links to related articles on any given discussion will be readily available, and conversely, after reading up on someone's writings - say, Harold Innis - one could easily jump into an ongoing, global, discussion of his thoughts and works, and how they apply to today's state of affairs. Such is the communicative power of the Internet, and here we will harness it to critically "rip open" the Net, with ready access to those people who have devoted their lives to decoding media and its evolution.

Don't just sit there.

>>Broaden Your Mind!

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