>> criticalweb.org <<
views on the internet and the human
>> p h i l o s o p h y
To date, the Internet is re-shaping the way we do everything. Thus, it is re-shaping the way we are human. Some of these effects are positive, some are negative. Ultimately, each of us will approach the Internet from a different standpoint. Out there you will find websites devoted to everything under the sun. There is a thick "muck" of information through which we have all tried to navigate at some point. However, there is a virtual nothing (no pun intended) in the way of reflection and discussion on how it changes each of us as people. Why limit ourselves to older generations of media, such as books or television, to probe into the Internet's effects on the individual? Why not use the Net - that far-reaching web of discourse - as a tool in examining itself? Criticalweb.org is an open channel for ideas, enlightenment, and critical views. We are committed to the free flow of thought through three main areas: