>> criticalweb.org <<
views on the internet and the human

>> p h i l o s o p h y



The Internet was founded not as a global marketplace, not to fatten the purveyors of capitalism, not to provide free pornography to the masses, not to track the stock market or advertise high-tech innovations. The Internet was founded as a new generation of communication. Discussion, virtual encounters, sharing of ideas and intelligence: these are the pillars of how the Internet first came to be. It has since morphed into uncountable things, but at such a rate as to hinder true insight into its nature and its effects. Criticalweb.org, like the Internet, is founded on such open channeling of information. Here you will be able to freely discuss anything related to the Internet. Large topics will spawn sub-topics, which will link themselves to related topics, which will in turn link to other topics, and so on. Discussions will be laid out in such a way as to facilitate interaction and the "flow" of ideas from one topic to the next. If someone wants to write about the psychological effects of Internet use over phone use, for example, discussions will flow out of that into related topics. The Internet, after all, is an interconnected web of topics, one linking to another, almost infinitely. Criticalweb.org will be structured in a parallel way. Chat rooms can be formed on any topic, and mailing lists and listservs will also be integrated into the site, categorized via topics and sub-topics.

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