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views on the internet and the human

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>03>Special Features!



* Get To Know Marshall - dedicated to the work of Marshall McLuhan, with bios & pics, summaries of his key ideas, and links to his writings, cronies, and predecessors. Similar pages are in the works for such cornerstones as Ursula Franklin and Harold Innis.

* Letters to the Postman - a write-in to Neil Postman about the Internet as a generation of media. Bring your logic but keep your left-brain turned on! This man may value the old-fashioned, linearity of the printing press but he writes with a creative and engaging flair which will leave you grasping to find a flaw. All question & answer sessions will be posted to the Web for reading and third-party commentary.

* Critical Chat - current-day critics, such as Nicholas Negroponte, Bob Logan, Sandy Stone, and many more, correspond live with users in guest chat sessions!

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