>01> discuss

=== Title- here we are in section "01" - the Discussion section of criticalweb

>> M c L u h a n <<

=== Main topic, links to "idea cluster" section

" McLuhan Was Wrong "

===Specific discussion title. The main discussions will be placed on the site. From then on they will be created by users, such as this one.

1. McLuhan Was Wrong. by NetSlob ===User name next to article

>>> No He Wasn't by Eric McLuhan ===Sub-threads organized by rank

>>>>>>You Should Know by Guy Web === Sub-sub thread

>>> I Agree by Mari N. Ternet ===Sub-thread


2. See page 123 of.... by Eric McLuhan


3. ThatÕs Irrelevant by ExtensionMan

>>> How Can You Say McLuhan Is.... by COMSGirl069


>02> Educate your opinions > Related Links to B r o a d e n T h e M i n d

see>>> Our McLuhan Tribute Page (coming soon!) ===Direct link to "idea cluster" page on

read>>> Samples from Understanding Media ===Link to page containing actual text in question, or part of text

Get out there>>> ===The most critical, related, and best-informed links on the Web

McLuhan Studies @ U of T - comprehensive, analytical journal looking at McLuhan's work. includes tons of his and others' articles.

Technological determinism of marshall mcluhan - brief yet concise article

Understanding McLuhan - very artistic, very cool!

The McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology @ the Faculty of Information Studies University of Toronto

The McLuhan Probes Ð NSCAD Ð Electronic Media/Art Installation of McLuhanÕs work

CIOS/McLuhan Ð "designed to help educators to introduce their students to the ideas of the late Marshall McLuhan."

The Southam Interactive Understanding Mcluhan Site Ð slick & interactive, although only a demo


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===We will rely on users to provide our database of links, and we will research the links and categorize them.

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===The foundation of criticalweb: thought-provoking, user-created discussions


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Discussions McLuhan Extensions of Man "McLuhan Was Wrong"

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